Omaha Area local APWU
October 1
Day of Action
On October 1, 2024, at 3 pm, ALL Omaha Area Local members are encouraged to join together in front of the Omaha PDC main office entrance to raise public awareness of silencing public comment, delayed mail, decreased mail service, severe understaffing of postal workers, and disregard and disrespect for postal workers' contractual rights.
For too long, postal workers have been stretched thin, making miracles happen in understaffed facilities. This has taken a toll on our health, our safety, and our ability to provide the service the public deserves. The Postal Service needs to listen to and heed the overwhelming voices of postal workers on the job and at the bargaining table, as well as the needs of the American people.
On October 1st, we will stand together and make our voices heard from coast-to-coast to demand that postal management listen to our voices. At stake is not just our jobs, but the fate of the People’s Post Office.
Our Demands:
Please join us as we stand on October 1 with postal workers across the nation to raise public awareness!
Give Postal Workers and the Public a Voice: Last year, the Postal Board of Governors limited public comment periods in their hearings to just once a year. This isn’t acceptable. We’re demanding that the Board of Governors bring back the public comment period at every quarterly meeting, ensuring that postal workers and the public have a say in how the Postal Service is run.
Better Staffing and Better Service: The public deserves top-quality postal services, and that starts with investing in postal workers. The safety and quality of work life for Omaha postal employees starts with proper staffing. We need management to commit to recruiting and retaining a dedicated workforce to ensure that every community gets the quality mail service they rely on.
Respect for the negotiated contract! USPS management in Omaha has severely cut staffing in Omaha! Every day management blatantly violates the contract by performing bargaining unit work with impunity. The hiring of Postal Support Employees has been cut in half. The lack of staffing forces clerks to perform work as a universal clerk with no respect for bid jobs and seniority. Omaha fails to timely process and dispatch mail on a routine basis and mail is delayed, contributing to the continued failure of the USPS to deliver mail on time to the American public!
Listen to Postal Workers at the Bargaining Table: It’s time for them to recognize the value of our work and agree to a contract that meets our demands. Omaha postal workers showed up and worked through the pandemic, risking their health and lives to deliver for the public. This contract needs to reflect the sacrifices and contributions of ALL postal workers, including the elimination of the two-tier wage scale and the establishment of an all-career workforce that provides full benefits and rights from the start.